Claude Ravier, Baron de Montricher

15 september 1947 - 11 May 2021

Today we lost a friend, a Brother, a partner, a mentor, a confident, a Man with ethic, respect, kindness....For whoever needed him, he was there. Who did not call him to meet someone, to get a table at this fancy restaurant, or to get a room as this super booked hotel. Paris, St Tropez, Aspen, LA or Miami, he knew everyone and everyone knew him.

We had time to time our disagreements with him, but is not time anymore for blames, just tears and memories. He took his reverence with delicacy and discretion, as usual ... he left on tiptoe, in silence, humbly, as his life has been ... Claude we miss you, we feel so alone now. Now you can relax, have peace and fun and enjoy to see your friends gone before you. The party just start and get better and better.

Adios Amigos


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    I was lucky enough to work with Claude and got a chance to see what a great man he was. I will miss him dearly and wanted to extend my sympathies to his friends and the family.

    Know that we are thinking of you, remembering Claude and celebrating his life.

    Cédric M.
    3 years ago
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    Rest in peace, Claude. You will be missed...

    3 years ago
  • Claude was a character and a great guy to be around, I will remember the times and talks we had, my thoughts and prayers are with his family and close friends, rest in peace Claude i'm sure you're in a better place.

    Luis Lopez
    3 years ago
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    3 years ago
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    Notre très cher Claude était toujours joyeux, gentil, serviable toujours prêt à rendre service.
    Un vrai gentleman! Qui n’oubliait jamais de nous souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire ou prendre de nos nouvelles...
    Tu nous a quitté si rapidement...
    Tu nous manques déjà !
    Tu seras toujours dans nos coeurs
    Rest in Peace Claude🙏

    Karine & Philippe
    3 years ago
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    Forever in our hearts Claude. You truly were an amazing person and you impacted a lot of lives. You are truly missed by many. I will remember you in my thoughts, Mr. Jetsetter.

    Marlen V
    3 years ago
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    Cher Claude,

    On c’est peu parlé et on n’a pas eu l’occasion de se connaître
    Mais je sais que nous aurions pu être amis.
    J’espère que de la ou tu es tu as trouvé la paix loin de ce monde de fous.
    J’ai garder le dernier mail que tu m’as écrit pour remercier gentiment d’avoir aider ton amie en juillet dernier
    Je garde en toi le souvenir d’un bonne élégant et courtois
    Phillipe me disait le plus grand bien de toi
    J’espère que la sérénité comblera ton âme et que la joie soit à jamais éternelle.

    3 years ago
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    A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. Rest in Peace...

    frederic perinovic
    3 years ago
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    I can not believe you are gone. Luckily I saved all your voice messages so I can have Claude 'on demand'. You will never be gone from my thoughts. No warning, one day you were here and now your bright light is gone...missing our late night conversations. Not even a chance to say goodbye... as you always use to say "Big Kiss"

    Ciri Evans
    3 years ago
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    Rest In Peace Claude, Love Janis

    3 years ago
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    so many beautiful stories. sentiments. feelings have been said about you Claude, none of us will miss you more than the other, we all have that in common, and why am i not suprised...Claude thank for allowing me to be a small part in your incredible life, 1990 to 2021...i became a better person because of you, to your family and friends, and Clare, my condolences with sorrow in my heart and honor in my soul...

    i met Claude appraising his Beverly Hills, Frank Loyd Wright home that on a clear day, you could see across the 405 San Diego Frwy and see the Towers at Marina Del Rey, just beautiful, we did all the stars homes so im used to seeing gorgeous homes, i was highly impressed with this guy, he had two Aston Martins in the garage, really nice furniture, initials crested on the couch pillows, pictures with Robert Di Nero, Majic Johnson, Angelica Huston, Wayne Gretzky a great looking guy with this smile and accent, it just didnt end with this guy...he'd shake your hand and look at you right in the eye, it didnt matter who you were, what a gracious man, and he thought the world of me, I was and always honored knowing that...All of us can go on and on about this beautiful human being Claude Ravier, Thanks again senor...Edward Powers...Bles you all

    Edward Powers
    3 years ago

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